
Coaxial Cylinders Capacitance Calculator

In the field of Physics, capacitance is a fundamental concept that describes the ability of a system to store electrical charge. This tutorial focuses on the capacitance of coaxial cylinders, which is an important concept in understanding the behavior of capacitors with cylindrical geometry. The tutorial provides an overview of coaxial cylinders capacitance, the associated calculations and formulas, real-life applications, key individuals in the discipline, and interesting facts. Understanding the capacitance of coaxial cylinders is essential for analyzing and designing capacitor systems with cylindrical geometry.

Capacitance between Coaxial Cylinders Calculator
Coaxial Cylinders Capacitance Calculator Results
Capacitance of Coaxial Cylinders = °

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Example Formula

The formula for calculating the capacitance of coaxial cylinders is given by:

C = 2πε₀εᵣl / ln(b/a)


  1. C: Capacitance (in farads, F)
  2. ε₀: Permittivity of free space (approximately 8.854 × 10-12 F/m)
  3. εᵣ: Relative permittivity of the dielectric material between the cylinders
  4. l: Length of the cylinders (in meters, m)
  5. a: Inner radius of the outer cylinder (in meters, m)
  6. b: Outer radius of the inner cylinder (in meters, m)

Who Wrote/Refined the Formula

The formula for the capacitance of coaxial cylinders is derived from the principles of electrostatics and cylindrical geometry. While no single individual can be attributed to the creation of this specific formula, it is a result of the collective efforts of physicists and researchers in the field of electromagnetism and capacitor design.

Real Life Application

The capacitance of coaxial cylinders finds applications in various real-life scenarios. One example is the design of high-voltage capacitors used in power transmission systems. Coaxial cylinders capacitance allows for the efficient storage and discharge of electrical energy, enabling the transmission of large amounts of power over long distances with minimal losses.

Key Individuals in the Discipline

Several individuals have made significant contributions to the field of electromagnetism and capacitor design. Notable figures include Michael Faraday, who conducted extensive research on electromagnetism and made significant discoveries regarding capacitance, and James Clerk Maxwell, who formulated the equations describing electromagnetic fields. Their work laid the foundation for the understanding and application of capacitance in various geometries, including coaxial cylinders.

Interesting Facts

  1. The capacitance of coaxial cylinders can be increased by using dielectric materials with higher relative permittivity (εᵣ).
  2. Coaxial capacitors are used in electronic circuits and systems to provide coupling, filtering, and energy storage functions.
  3. The capacitance of coaxial cylinders is inversely proportional to the natural logarithm of the ratio of the outer and inner radii (ln(b/a)).
  4. Coaxial cylinders capacitance plays a crucial role in the performance of coaxial cables, which are widely used for signal transmission in telecommunications and data networks.


The capacitance of coaxial cylinders is an important concept in Physics and capacitor design. It describes the ability of a system with cylindrical geometry to store electrical charge. Understanding the calculations and formulas associated with coaxial cylinders capacitance is crucial for analyzing and designing capacitor systems in various applications. The concept finds real-life applications in power transmission systems, electronic circuits, and signal transmission technologies. By studying the capacitance of coaxial cylinders, researchers and engineers continue to advance our understanding of electromagnetism and develop innovative technologies for various industries.

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