
Induced Electric Fields Revision Notes

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16.11Induced Electric Fields

In these revision notes for Induced Electric Fields, we cover the following key points:

  • What happens when we place a copper ring inside a magnetic field?
  • How the electric and magnetic fields are related to each other? Is there any mutual interaction between them or not?
  • What condition must a magnetic field meet to induce a current in a coil?
  • How to express the Faraday's law in terms of the induced electric field?
  • Why it is meaningless to talk about electric potential induced in a coil?

Induced Electric Fields Revision Notes

If we increase uniformly the strength of the external magnetic field applied in a circular ring, the magnetic flux through the ring will increase at a steady rate and as a result, a current (and emf) is induced in the ring based on the Faraday's Law. We can determine the direction of these two induced quantities (both of them are anticlockwise here) considering the Lentz Law.

To determine the direction of the induced current, you must consider only the direction of the induced magnetic field inside the ring when applying the curled right hand rule.

The induced electric field is similar to that produced by static charges. Both fields will exert an electric force F = Q0 ∙ E on a positive test charge Q0.

Another version of the Faraday's Law based on the above findings is:

"A changing magnetic field in a coil induces an electric field in it."

In this way, we write the mutual implication

E ⟹ B and B ⟹ E so E⟺B

Hence, we say: An induced electric field is produced every time the magnetic flux (caused by a change in the magnetic field) is changing by time.

The work done by the electric field E on the test charge Q0 to make it move in a circular path as the one shown above is

W = Q0 ∙ εi

where εi is the emf induced in the circular loop.

If we want to calculate the work done by the electric field to make the test charge complete one revolution only, is

W = F ∙ s = (Q0 ∙ E) ∙ (2π ∙ r)

The induced emf in the test charge therefore is

εi = 2π ∙ r ∙ E

In the general case, we use the integration method to calculate the work done on the coil by the electric field. Thus,

W = F ds = Q0 E ds

The integral expression for the emf induced in the loop is

εi = E ds

The integral version of Faraday's Law in terms of the induced electric field and the magnetic flux is

E ds = -M/dt

Since the electric field produced by dynamic charges is uniform, it is meaningless to talk about electric potential (and potential difference) caused by moving charges.

Therefore, the main difference between electric fields produced by static and dynamic charges is as follows:

"Electric potential has meaning only for static charges, not for dynamic ones."

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  1. Revision Notes Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this revision notes (see below)
  2. Magnetism Physics tutorial: Induced Electric Fields. Read the Induced Electric Fields physics tutorial and build your physics knowledge of Magnetism
  3. Magnetism Practice Questions: Induced Electric Fields. Test and improve your knowledge of Induced Electric Fields with example questins and answers
  4. Check your calculations for Magnetism questions with our excellent Magnetism calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Magnetism Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  5. Continuing learning magnetism - read our next physics tutorial: RL Circuits

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