
Introduction to RLC Circuits Revision Notes

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16.15Introduction to RLC Circuits

In these revision notes for Introduction to RLC Circuits, we cover the following key points:

  • What is a RLC circuit?
  • Why oscillations in a RLC circuit are damped?
  • What is the equation of oscillations in a RLC circuit?
  • What is angular frequency of damped oscillations? How does it differ from the angular frequency of undamped oscillations?
  • How to find the energy in a damped RLC circuits at any instant?
  • What are forced oscillations? What do they cause in an electric circuit?
  • How to calculate the AC current and emf caused by forced oscillations in a circuit at any instant?
  • What is resistive/capacitive/inductive load?
  • How to cope with AC circuits containing a single resistor/capacitor/inductor?
  • What are phasor diagrams? Why do we use them?

Introduction to RLC Circuits Revision Notes

A RLC circuit is a circuit that contains at least a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor. The simplest RLC circuit is the series RLC circuit.

The differential equation for the damped oscillations in a RLC circuit, is

L ∙ d2 Q/dt2 + R ∙ dQ/dt + 1/C ∙ Q = 0

The charge decay in such a circuit is calculated through an expression, which is a combination of exponential and sinusoidal equation, as occurs in all types of damped oscillations. Thus, the charge left in a RLC circuit after a given time t of operation is found by:

Q(t) = Q0 ∙ e-R ∙ t/2L ∙ cos⁡(ω' ∙ t + φ)


ω' = √ω2-(R/2L)2

is the angular frequency of damped oscillations and

ω = 1/L ∙ C

is the angular frequency of undamped oscillations.

The equation for the energy decay in a damped oscillation system of electricity is

We (t) = = Q20/2C ∙ e - R ∙ t/L ∙ cos2⁡(ω' ∙ t + φ)

This means the energy of the electric field in a RLC circuit oscillates in a cos2 fashion while the amplitude decreases exponentially with time.

A RLC circuit needs an external sustainable source of emf to make it operate for a long time at steady values. This is made possible by connecting the circuit to an AC power supply, which on the other hand is supplied by an AC generator. Such a system produces forced oscillations in the circuit, which makes it operate for a long time with constant periodic values.

The equation of this induced emf in an AC generator is

ε(t) = εmax ∙ sin⁡ωd ∙ t

where εmax is the amplitude of the induced emf in the generator (usually the amplitude is the initial induced emf), while ωd is called the "driving angular frequency" because it drives an induced current in the circuit, the equation of which is given by

i(t) = imax ∙ sin⁡(ωd ∙ t-φ)

in circuits with no or very small resistance, the induced current (and emf) oscillate at angular frequency

ω = 1/L ∙ C

which is known as the "natural angular frequency". Such oscillations are known as free oscillations.

On the other hand, when a resistor is present is the circuit, the oscillations are known as damped (when no external source is present) or forced (when an external source is needed to keep the values of the induced current and emf constant). The following rule is true for the forced oscillations:

"The induced current and emf in a circuit always occur according the angular frequency of the forced oscillations, regardless the value of the natural angular frequency."

The resistive load as a function of time in a circuit containing only an AC power source and a resistor is

∆Vr (t) = εmax ∙ sin⁡ωd ∙ t

and the current in this circuit as a function of time is

ir (t) = i(t) = imax ∙ sin⁡(ωd ∙ t-φ)

Giving that in this type of circuit the current is in phase with the potential difference, we have the initial phase φ = 0.

When considering a circuit supplied by an AC source, which contains only a capacitor C, we have

for the potential difference at any instant across the capacitor:

∆Vc (t) = ∆VC(max) ∙ sin⁡ωd ∙ t

and for the current at any instant t:

ic (t) = dQc/dt = ωd ∙ ∆VC(max) ∙ cos⁡ωd ∙ t

The quantity

Xc = 1/ωd ∙ C

is called capacitive reactance of capacitor. It has the unit of resistance (Ohm).

From experiments, it results that current leads by one quarter of a cycle the voltage in such a circuit. If we replace the cos ωd ∙ t term with a phase-shifted sine expression of + π/2 rad, we obtain

cos⁡ωd ∙ t = sin⁡(ωd ∙ t + π/2)

Hence, we obtain for the current in the circuit:

ic (t) = ∆VC(max)/Xc ∙ sin⁡(ωd ∙ t + π/2)

In addition, we have for the maximum potential difference in the circuit

∆VC(max) = iC(max) ∙ Xc

The current is π/2 (a quarter of a cycle) in advantage to potential difference. Therefore, we say: "the current leads the voltage by π/2".

Similarly, in a circuit containing only an AC power source and an inductor, the potential difference across the inductor is

∆VL (t) = ∆VL(max) ∙ sin⁡(ωd ∙ t)
= -∆VL(max)/ωd ∙ L ∙ cos⁡(ωd ∙ t)

The quantity

XL = ωd ∙ L

is called inductive reactance and is measured in Ohms, similarly to capacitive reactance.

The current flowing in a circuit containing an inductive load is

iL (t) = ∆VL(max)/ωd ∙ L ∙ sin⁡(ωd ∙ t - π/2)

From this equation, we can see that for a purely inductive load, the current is delayed (is out of phase) by π/2 (a quarter of a cycle) to the potential difference.

To make the graph plotting easier and its understanding more digestible, we use arrows similar to vectors even though neither current nor voltage are vectors. Such diagrams are known as phasor diagrams. The angle formed by the arrows and the horizontal (time) axis gives the ωt term.

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  2. Magnetism Physics tutorial: Introduction to RLC Circuits. Read the Introduction to RLC Circuits physics tutorial and build your physics knowledge of Magnetism
  3. Magnetism Practice Questions: Introduction to RLC Circuits. Test and improve your knowledge of Introduction to RLC Circuits with example questins and answers
  4. Check your calculations for Magnetism questions with our excellent Magnetism calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Magnetism Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  5. Continuing learning magnetism - read our next physics tutorial: The Series RLC Circuit

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