
Classical Principle of Relativity Revision Notes

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18.2Classical Principle of Relativity

In these revision notes for Classical Principle of Relativity, we cover the following key points:

  • What are the variables involved in parametric equations of kinematics?
  • What is the parametric form of Galilean Transformations of coordinates?
  • The same for Galilean Transformations of velocities.
  • Which are the two absolute quantities in inertial frames of reference in the classical relativity?
  • What is the ultimate speed? Which element represents it?
  • Can the relativistic approach be applied in non-mechanical phenomena?
  • How to calculate the speed of light in vacuum?
  • Is there any material that fills the space? Why?

Classical Principle of Relativity Revision Notes

The equation of position of a point P when it is considered in two inertial systems of reference: a system S at rest and another inertial system S' in uniform motion relative to S, is

r' = r - V ∙ t

where V is the velocity of the system S' relative to the system S.

The parametric equations of a point P for the two above inertial systems of reference, are

x' = x - V ∙ t
y' = y
z' = z

Since the motion of S' is linear (one-dimensional), the three components of velocity vector V are (V, 0, 0). This is why only the x-component of parametric equations contains a V-element.

When adding the time t as the fourth parameter and giving that t' = t in all inertial frames of reference, we obtain

x' = x - V ∙ t
y' = y
z' = z
t' = t

The above equations are nothing else but the known equations of Galilean Transformations of Coordinates.

Dividing side by side all the above equations by Δt, we obtain:

∆x'/∆t = ∆x/∆t-V ∙ ∆t/∆t
∆y'/∆t = ∆y/∆t
∆z'/∆t = ∆z/∆t

The limit of the above equations for Δt → 0 give the corresponding velocities. Thus, we obtain

vx' = vx - V
vy' = vy
vz' = vz

These formulae represent the three Galilean Transformations for Velocity. They mean not only the position is relative; the velocity can be relative as well. Velocity depends on where do we make the observation (in S or S').

Giving that the relative velocity V between the two reference systems is constant, we obtain for the acceleration after dividing the above equations by the time interval Δt and taking the limit when ∆t → 0:

ax' = ax ; ay' = ay ; az' = az

Therefore, we have

a' = a

From the above equation, we conclude that the acceleration remains constant; no matter how the motion is made. Thus, we say that "acceleration (unlike position and velocity) is an absolute quantity (just like the time t) in all inertial systems of reference." In other words, acceleration in independent from the system it is measured for the same particle's motion.

The Classical Principle of Relativity says:

All mechanical phenomena have the same features in all inertial frames (systems) of reference because the laws of mechanics have the same form for all of them.

The speed of light in terms of electric and magnetic constants (vacuum permittivity ε0 and permittivity of free space μ0) is

c = 1/0 ∙ μ0= 299 792 km/s

We can extend the relativistic reasoning used in mechanical-related phenomena in electromagnetic-related ones and in all the other fields of physics as well.

Scientists once believed that a material medium is necessary for the propagation of light waves, just like occurs in other types of waves (mechanical waves). They tried to explain this drawback by "inventing" the concept of "cosmic ether" - a medium extending at infinity, odorless, massless, transparent and non-observable in normal conditions. In this way, they believed that all objects flow through this cosmic ether without any mechanical resistance.

The two constants ε0 and μ0 were thought to be the electric and magnetic constants that characterize the cosmic ether, while ε and μ the corresponding electric and magnetic constants characterizing the space inside material objects. The speed of light in vacuum (about 300 000 km/s) was considered as the speed of light relative to the cosmic ether. However, it resulted that there is no cosmic ether in the universe, so the above theory is wrong.

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  1. Revision Notes Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this revision notes (see below)
  2. Relativity Physics tutorial: Classical Principle of Relativity. Read the Classical Principle of Relativity physics tutorial and build your physics knowledge of Relativity
  3. Relativity Practice Questions: Classical Principle of Relativity. Test and improve your knowledge of Classical Principle of Relativity with example questins and answers
  4. Check your calculations for Relativity questions with our excellent Relativity calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Relativity Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  5. Continuing learning relativity - read our next physics tutorial: Space and Time in Einstein Theory of Relativity

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