
Wavelength to Energy Calculator

The transition between wavelengths and energy is a core concept in several fields of physics, including Quantum Physics, Spectroscopy, and Optics. This conversion is vital to understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves and quantum particles. In this tutorial, we will explore the formula that allows us to convert a given wavelength into its corresponding energy.

Wavelength to Energy Calculator
Wavelength to Energy Calculator Results
Energy (E) = J

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Example Formula

The energy of a photon can be calculated using the following formula:

E = hc / λ


  1. E is the energy of the photon (in joules).
  2. h is the Planck's constant (6.62607015 × 10-34 m2kg/s).
  3. c is the speed of light (approximately 3 × 108 m/s).
  4. λ is the wavelength of the photon (in meters).

Who wrote/refined the formula

The above formula is a direct application of the Planck-Einstein relation, which connects the energy of a photon to its frequency. Max Planck first introduced this relation in 1900, and Albert Einstein later extended it to include the photoelectric effect in 1905.

Real Life Application

This formula is widely used in spectroscopy, where it helps scientists to understand the energy levels within an atom or molecule. It's also used in solar panel technology to calculate the maximum possible energy that can be harnessed from sunlight.

Key individuals in the discipline

Max Planck and Albert Einstein are the key figures related to this concept. Planck's work on black body radiation led him to propose the idea of quantized energy levels, which Einstein later expanded on with his theory of the photoelectric effect. Both scientists received Nobel Prizes for their contributions to Physics, Planck in 1918 and Einstein in 1921.

Interesting Facts

  1. The Planck-Einstein relation and its derivatives have played a significant role in the development of quantum mechanics, profoundly changing our understanding of the physical world.
  2. Max Planck was reluctant about the implications of his quantum theory, but it paved the way for the development of quantum mechanics.
  3. Light's dual nature as both a wave and a particle was a groundbreaking concept that has had profound implications in many areas of physics and engineering.


Understanding the relationship between a photon's wavelength and its energy is a critical aspect of quantum physics, spectroscopy, and various other branches of physics. It enables us to understand light's behavior better and facilitates numerous technological advancements. This connection between the seemingly disparate concepts of energy and wavelength embodies the fascinating nature of the physics discipline.

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